Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chasing Crickets

Nineteen kindergarten children and one teacher could be seen crawling through the dewy morning grass chasing crickets on the side lawn of the urban school building. The tiny jumping insects leaped, dove and burrowed deeper below the grass to avoid an early death by dozens of stomping, light-up sneakers and the squeezing, pinching, pudgy little fingers, of 6 year old's determined to bring about the chirping bugs' demise or observe them up close.

"Oh, don't smash the little crickets, boys and girls....they need to get back to their families!" I cried. For many of the children, this plea was enough to stir up the intended emotion - to connect the plight of the little cricket to themselves and mercifully retreat from their attack. However, for Jared this cry for mercy was simply fuel for the fire of his demented little ego.

The idea of terrorizing and annihilating a helpless cricket was exhilarating-particularly with an audience to witness his callous act.

"EEEWWWW!, moaned the class as the trenchant crunch of the little exoskeleton could be heard beneath the rubber sole of Jared's sneaker. With a proud, malicious grin, he then twisted the toe of his shoe over the dead cricket to grind away any life that may remain in the creature. Then, with a forceful, dramatic backward thrust of his leg, he gave the cricket one final smear across the pavement before running up the hill to chase after a Monarch hovering over the school's butterfly garden.

Now some children laughed euphorically, others shrilled in disgust and one child remained behind to examine the unpleasant streak a bit closer, before bolting off after the rest of the class.

Just another day in the the world of kindergarten? Yes. But it also got me to thinking. I love thinking...

I wondered if this little episode didn't in some way reflect a larger story...a story of finding delight for a brief moment in the annihilation of another's character, name or integrity, just because we have the power to do so. How often have I played the part of Jared, destroying and smearing a person's dignity for the fleeting moment of victory of "putting them in their place" or "showing them whose in charge". Whether it was aimed at a family member, co-worker or brother or sister in Christ - this is the sad state of a human soul left to itself. 

I cannot fathom the great mercy Father God has towards me. His mercies are new every morning when we are willing to acknowledge our sin, repent and confess them with a contrite spirit. He gives us the fortitude and grace to follow him and seek His holiness if we call upon His name and remain in Him.

"Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken."

The word of the LORD.

Today, I pray for the grace to affirm my husband, family friends, neighbors and every stranger God brings across my path...

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