Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A bag of misfortunate consequences....

Two trends emerged at my school last year ~ pregnancy and weight-loss. The young teachers glowed in the former, the middle-aged teacher's reveled in the later.

Tara, looking svelte in her size 8's popped her head into my classroom, "Hey! you got a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Follow me out to my car, I've got something for you!, she smiled. Hiking up my baggy size 16's, I rose from my seat and followed curiously.

Opening the door of her sparkling Volvo, she reached in and retrieved a large Panera bag. Packed tightly inside was a tony stash of trousers to die for!

"I thought you could use these" chirped my tactful cohort.

"Thanks so much!" I beamed.

"I threw in a variety of weights for every season. There are some 14's and a few 12's, she added nonchalantly. 

Now getting a bag of clothes from Tara isn't like getting a bag of clothes from your cousin in Palmyra. This chic has discriminating taste! Later that evening I carefully pulled each dry-cleaned and crisply pressed pair of slacks from the now torn Panera bag.

"Look! It's the Harold's pucci-inspired slacks I always loved!" "Oh,Oh! Another pair of Anne Taylor's", I gushed as  I held them in front of my new-improved-but-still-working-on-it-figure.

"What's an Anne Taylor?" asked my disinterested husband.

"Anne Taylor! You know! The store I can't afford to shop at!", bruuuuuther! I murmured under my breath.

Suddenly, I realized that I had absolutely nothing to wear with the pants from Harold's. I also didn't own a suitable pair of shoes for the Talbot's and Anne Taylor slacks. The only pair of trousers that I owned an acceptable top for were not the correct weight for spring. It would be tacky to wear winter-weight pants in April. It was too early to wear the white-slim crops because I was too white and couldn't afford to go tanning. A wave of depression swept over me. I walked into my closet and assessed the clothes on the hangers. This stuff is so shabby...all those nice pants and I can't wear them.

By the time I showered and went to bed that night I was miserable. Why can't I make a decent living? Let's face it....J.C. Penney girls just can't mix with the Regency Fashion Court set. That's why Tara has two Volvo's and I have a Mercury Sable with duct-tape holding the side panel in place on the driver's side.

It is what it is...that's all there is to it...it is what it is....I just have to be content, hold my head up high.....        

But I do have a coupon for 10 bucks off at DSW.  If I don't buy meat this week maybe I could get a pair of shoes that would work with a couple pairs of those pants. But wait, I still don't have any tops. and then there are the accessories. Like my Worthington purse will work with any of that...yeah, right, forget it. I'm just going to have to get an extra summer job.....

Funny, that morning I was feeling great because I had lost so much weight that my pants were baggy.

Isn't it amazing how fast our world turns when we take our eye's off those things which are eternal and true?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

The Word of The Lord.


My prayer today is that I will cherish the eternal gift of life my Savior offered for me through the shedding of his blood on the cross. Spirit of God deliver me from covetousness and discontent. Keep my mind fixed on Jesus and my hands fixed on serving the poor. Amen.


  1. Aw Tami! I can relate. I love Anne Taylor too , though I can't say I have actually been to a real Anne Taylor store(kind of funny). I am a Goodwill/thrift store die-hard, and get so much thrill out of finding a two dollar Anne Taylor shirts:)
    The only down side with thrift shopping, is that it takes time to sort through the bad stuff-but it's worth it.
    You are making a difference. Any work with children is making a difference. That's worth more than a fat paycheck, and paid vacation on a cruise, no? ...:)

  2. Yes! Yes! Ambar! The few times I had a vacation over the past 31 years of marriage...I ultimately couldn't wait to get back to the familiar comfort of home! People always seem to want what they "don't have" and don't want what they have. I too am a thrift store shopper. I decorated a large portion of one of my daughters wedding's with thrift store finds and dollar store florals!!! Nobody knew. It was beautiful. My favorite fascination with thrift stores is the homemade "art" projects. It always amazes me that someone would have delighted in some of the homely pieces...but humans just need to express themselves artistically, even if it's hot-gluing white dime-store lace to wooden mixing spoon : )
