Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A bag of misfortunate consequences....

Two trends emerged at my school last year ~ pregnancy and weight-loss. The young teachers glowed in the former, the middle-aged teacher's reveled in the later.

Tara, looking svelte in her size 8's popped her head into my classroom, "Hey! you got a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Follow me out to my car, I've got something for you!, she smiled. Hiking up my baggy size 16's, I rose from my seat and followed curiously.

Opening the door of her sparkling Volvo, she reached in and retrieved a large Panera bag. Packed tightly inside was a tony stash of trousers to die for!

"I thought you could use these" chirped my tactful cohort.

"Thanks so much!" I beamed.

"I threw in a variety of weights for every season. There are some 14's and a few 12's, she added nonchalantly. 

Now getting a bag of clothes from Tara isn't like getting a bag of clothes from your cousin in Palmyra. This chic has discriminating taste! Later that evening I carefully pulled each dry-cleaned and crisply pressed pair of slacks from the now torn Panera bag.

"Look! It's the Harold's pucci-inspired slacks I always loved!" "Oh,Oh! Another pair of Anne Taylor's", I gushed as  I held them in front of my new-improved-but-still-working-on-it-figure.

"What's an Anne Taylor?" asked my disinterested husband.

"Anne Taylor! You know! The store I can't afford to shop at!", bruuuuuther! I murmured under my breath.

Suddenly, I realized that I had absolutely nothing to wear with the pants from Harold's. I also didn't own a suitable pair of shoes for the Talbot's and Anne Taylor slacks. The only pair of trousers that I owned an acceptable top for were not the correct weight for spring. It would be tacky to wear winter-weight pants in April. It was too early to wear the white-slim crops because I was too white and couldn't afford to go tanning. A wave of depression swept over me. I walked into my closet and assessed the clothes on the hangers. This stuff is so shabby...all those nice pants and I can't wear them.

By the time I showered and went to bed that night I was miserable. Why can't I make a decent living? Let's face it....J.C. Penney girls just can't mix with the Regency Fashion Court set. That's why Tara has two Volvo's and I have a Mercury Sable with duct-tape holding the side panel in place on the driver's side.

It is what it is...that's all there is to it...it is what it is....I just have to be content, hold my head up high.....        

But I do have a coupon for 10 bucks off at DSW.  If I don't buy meat this week maybe I could get a pair of shoes that would work with a couple pairs of those pants. But wait, I still don't have any tops. and then there are the accessories. Like my Worthington purse will work with any of that...yeah, right, forget it. I'm just going to have to get an extra summer job.....

Funny, that morning I was feeling great because I had lost so much weight that my pants were baggy.

Isn't it amazing how fast our world turns when we take our eye's off those things which are eternal and true?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

The Word of The Lord.


My prayer today is that I will cherish the eternal gift of life my Savior offered for me through the shedding of his blood on the cross. Spirit of God deliver me from covetousness and discontent. Keep my mind fixed on Jesus and my hands fixed on serving the poor. Amen.

Monday, August 29, 2011

"I matter...right?"

Mr. Rogers Video

The most challenging aspect of teaching is not lesson planning, testing or time-management ~ for me, it is intentionally loving every child, every day right where they are at. And let me tell ya friend, that might be under a table, wandering in the Dinosaur Center when they are supposed to be writing or sliding under a restroom stall to bother the kid next door!

Increasingly, kids are arriving to school with more baggage than Imelda Marcos. My most challenging students already are keenly aware that they are "different" than their peers. They are desperately seeking love, acceptance and the reassurance that they are not somehow a "mistake".

The science of  teaching has grown exponentially with the concurrent growth of technology. We now can actually "watch" learning occur  in the brain via MRI scans. When a child's brain receives information through experiences and interactions, little dendrites begin to fire-off until they make a connection. Unfortunately, those experiences may be positive or negative, leaving an indelible mark on the brain and person. The troubled child often has no sense of self-worth. The same troubled children become troubled teens and finally adults who are simply wanting to hear ..."you matter...just your being you...you matter".

A walk down the aisle of a Christian bookstore points to the reality that Christian's are not immune to feelings of inferiority and worthlessness. In fact, I would wager to say that the greatest book sales among Christian's have very little to do with theology, spiritual formation or Biblical exegesis, but rather the psychology of being affirmed as a person. The cynic may describe this as the churches decline into narcissism, which holds some truth. However, the need for humans to know they exist for a purpose, that they have a value and are not somehow a freak of nature has been present since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, God has placed this yearning in the soul of every human. It is from this place that a soul searches for their Creator. It is in this place that peace is established and love is formed.

When my two youngest children were little I cared for  a friend's two children in my home. Every morning at 9:15, we would listen to the missionary, Elisabeth Elliot on the radio. She began every broadcast with the following affirmation; "You are loved with an everlasting love, That is what the Bible says, And underneath are the everlasting arms"....

The four little children would halt their play at these words....quietly meander nearer to the radio, and sit serenely as they listened to the perspicacious words of the speaker from the Word of God.

The video clip from an episode of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood at the onset of this blog is one of the most authentic and beautiful examples of affirming another human being ~ it is this kind of human connection that I desire to make with every lesson I teach, whether the lesson takes place in a classroom, hallway, on the restroom floor or under the cafeteria table...God, how I need your grace!!!

"I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with loving-kindness."

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms"

The Word of the LORD.

~ Tami

My prayer today is to Love as God has Loved me....to Affirm as God has Affirmed me...to sow Peace as I have been granted Peace...In the name of The Father, Sonand Holy Spirit, Amen.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

On being three...

Dressed in old worn clothes and bearing a bag of rags, Bruce and I arrived in Ankeny today. Our daughter Brook and her husband Brent had moved into their new home the day before and had a long list of projects to complete.

The kids had got a great deal on the foreclosed home. It was in a great neighborhood, had a good school nearby and the floor plan was perfect for their family of five. The down-side was that the home had been poorly cared for by the previous owner. The cost for the new carpet was $1000 over the estimate they were given. After 4 hours and a second trip to Home Depot for extra parts to get the granite kitchen sink installed without success, the guys declared  that the "easy installation" the manufacturer's directions promised was an out and out lie! The pedestal sink in the powder room had a leak, they discovered a crack in the bottom of the kid's upstairs bathtub and the previous owners four kids didn't leave a single wall untouched with their grimy hands and art work!

Our grandson Caiden, 7 was having a migraine and Chloe, 6 was getting a little bored with her Little's Pet's Shoppe set-up in the new toy room. I was drenched in sweat and smelled of Clorox, Brent and his brother had taken a trip back to their former house to get another load of stuff and Brook and her mother in-law were shopping for a new bed for Caiden and a chandelier for Chloe's room. Bruce and Paul were taking turns under the kitchen sink trying to get the blasted plumbing to work and Kensley, age three was sliding down the open staircase having a wonderful time.

We later found her lying on her back in the bare family room, legs in the air, "reading" a Disney Princess Yahtzee game instruction booklet. When she felt hungry, we found her sitting contentedly on a bar stool eating dry Honey Grahams cereal in a styrofoam bowl with a plastic fork from Papa John's. She had her pink shoes on the wrong feet, and one of her two ponytails had headed off to greener pastures. She was proud of her new room with the mattress still on the floor and boxes piled about and she eagerly took four trips up and down the staircase to carry plastic hangers to her bedroom from the front room.

Kensley was one contented girl.

As adults, we all commented on how beautiful the house would be after some hard work, and investments were made for improvements. But as far as Kensely was concerned, the house was already  a castle.

Most adults spend their lives striving to discover contentment without realizing that they had discovered it at three.

My prayer today is to rediscover the lost treasure of my childhood ~ contentment.

Grace. Peace and Contentment,

~ Tami

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"  

The Word of The Lord

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chasing Crickets

Nineteen kindergarten children and one teacher could be seen crawling through the dewy morning grass chasing crickets on the side lawn of the urban school building. The tiny jumping insects leaped, dove and burrowed deeper below the grass to avoid an early death by dozens of stomping, light-up sneakers and the squeezing, pinching, pudgy little fingers, of 6 year old's determined to bring about the chirping bugs' demise or observe them up close.

"Oh, don't smash the little crickets, boys and girls....they need to get back to their families!" I cried. For many of the children, this plea was enough to stir up the intended emotion - to connect the plight of the little cricket to themselves and mercifully retreat from their attack. However, for Jared this cry for mercy was simply fuel for the fire of his demented little ego.

The idea of terrorizing and annihilating a helpless cricket was exhilarating-particularly with an audience to witness his callous act.

"EEEWWWW!, moaned the class as the trenchant crunch of the little exoskeleton could be heard beneath the rubber sole of Jared's sneaker. With a proud, malicious grin, he then twisted the toe of his shoe over the dead cricket to grind away any life that may remain in the creature. Then, with a forceful, dramatic backward thrust of his leg, he gave the cricket one final smear across the pavement before running up the hill to chase after a Monarch hovering over the school's butterfly garden.

Now some children laughed euphorically, others shrilled in disgust and one child remained behind to examine the unpleasant streak a bit closer, before bolting off after the rest of the class.

Just another day in the the world of kindergarten? Yes. But it also got me to thinking. I love thinking...

I wondered if this little episode didn't in some way reflect a larger story...a story of finding delight for a brief moment in the annihilation of another's character, name or integrity, just because we have the power to do so. How often have I played the part of Jared, destroying and smearing a person's dignity for the fleeting moment of victory of "putting them in their place" or "showing them whose in charge". Whether it was aimed at a family member, co-worker or brother or sister in Christ - this is the sad state of a human soul left to itself. 

I cannot fathom the great mercy Father God has towards me. His mercies are new every morning when we are willing to acknowledge our sin, repent and confess them with a contrite spirit. He gives us the fortitude and grace to follow him and seek His holiness if we call upon His name and remain in Him.

"Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken."

The word of the LORD.

Today, I pray for the grace to affirm my husband, family friends, neighbors and every stranger God brings across my path...